The 1990’s were an interesting time for ICP. Having successfully made their transition from the Inner City Posse to the Insane Clown Posse, the group gained momentum from cultivating an underground fan base who looked upon their “psychopathic” style favorably — even if major record labels of the era had a hard time understanding their appeal. Time after time Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope found themselves signed to a deal where the very people who were supposed to promote them either refused to do so or actually pulled their album from stores right after it went on sale. It was in a moment of musical frustration between being dropped by Jive Records and signed by Hollywood Records that “Tunnel of Love” was conceived.

And I do mean “conceived” quite literally here, because this short album is ICP’s raunchy unapologetic ode to sex. Because of its independent release on Psychopathic Records there are actually multiple versions available, including an infamous “pornographic” version whose cover art features a freeze frame from an X rated film and a bonus track. Legend (and Wikipedia) both say that this one is “extremely sought after” because no stores would carry it and they only sold it live in concert. Personally I’ve never sought it it out but I’m aware of its existence all the same, and the same can be said of songs like “Prom Queen.” The song is in a way a tribute to both Stephen King’s “Carrie” and “Christine,” borrowing plot elements from one and a name from another, although it has its own grisly end.

And if you think that Shaggy and J are only out to fulfill their own carnal desires, “take a look and head South” as they floss their tongues on some “Cotton Candy.” If I need to explain that metaphor any further you’re probably reading about the wrong rap group or checking out the wrong review. “I eat so much cotton candy I got pink eye” brags Violent J.

There’s a whole lot of mythos surrounding ICP and their “Dark Carnival,” most of which is simply a marketing tool in its own right to get fans further invested in the Posse’s products. I’ve been nothing if not consistent in my admiration of how successfully they’ve marketed and promoted themselves to legions of Juggalos, even as I’ve been equally consistent in noting that the music doesn’t always match the hype. Being signed and released multiple times would lead to the kind of frustration that would produce a blatantly raunchy album like “Tunnel of Love,” a collective middle finger to those who didn’t understand ICP or their fans. Unfortunately it also leads to excessive nearly ten minute long tracks like “When I Get Out” – a five minute song padded out with an instrumental and dead air for a “hidden track” containing a skit and a promotional phone number you can call.

While some sources list this eight song (or nine if you got the pornographic version) as an extended play, I can’t think of anything that’s at least 40 minutes long as being anything but a long player. It’s impressive knowing that they recorded this entire thing in a marathon two day session between major label deals, but it also shows in the inconsistent quality given that they rushed to get it done before they were “locked in” to another label. This is one of those “A for Effort, C+ for Execution” type deals. It’s not offensive to me, which they certainly intended it to be in its era, but after a quarter century the world has literally seen and done everything ICP couple ever talk about. At the time though I’m sure some suburbanite moms were horrified by their graphic sex and violence, and this release contains both.

Insane Clown Posse (ICP) :: Tunnel of Love
6Overall Score