What, the, FUCK.

Back in March I reviewed an album by a would be rapper named Lil Flexer that was so terrible the review itself got more attention than the artist. At the time I was pretty sure that level of incompetence couldn’t be topped. You can rest easy Flex, you’re safe for now, but “Sac-tastic Voyage” gave you a strong run for the money. For example “Coffee Song, Pt. 2” features Sac simply repeating the line “I want coffee yaa yaaah” over and over until it mercifully ends at 54 seconds. This means it’s 53 seconds of pure audio torture followed by the sweet relief you feel as it comes to a halt.

I hesitate to even describe some of these as “songs” at all. “ASMR (Hostage Sac)” is so poorly mixed that whatever vocals Sac intended to share with us are completely inaudible. Given it’s called “ASMR” I’m sure that was the point, but just because hot women whispering into microphones went viral on YouTube and TikTok doesn’t mean it’s fun to hear it from rappers barely out of their diapers.

That’s the most annoying part about artists like Lil Flexer and Lil Sac. Each time something like this gets dropped in my lap I feel some mixture of both anger and regret. I don’t want to mock literal children for making amateur rap albums, but if they have the chutzpah to sell it on Bandcamp, they are expecting people to part with hard earned money for unprofessional garbage. It would be fine to give this away for free but when the store page says “name your price” I wouldn’t even give Sac one penny for what’s being offered here. I’m sure both he and XXXBOIPURRP thought “Toilet Talk” was funny but they are the only two people who want to listen to what they recorded ever again.

Sac’s bio describes him as a “multi-talented rapper, singer and producer” and then brags “I probably slept with your mom.” Wrong on both counts. The latter would be a crime in any country on Earth and the former is grossly inaccurate. There are over a dozen albums by Lil Sac but based on “Sac-tastic Voyage” alone I never want to hear any of the rest. If he’s serious about rapping I’d encourage him to delete this release change his name and start over from scratch. Don’t produce your own music. Maybe hire a ghost writer and a vocal coach while you are at it. Sac needs to change literally EVERYTHING if he has any hope of being even a modest success.

Lil Sac :: Sac-tastic Voyage
0.5Overall Score