He’s not. That doesn’t mean he’s any good though.
“I shitted on myself eating a burrito
Like, why do I like eating burritos?
My mom said stop eating burritos
My dad said stop eating burritos”
Yuno Marr’s “The Worst” EP is only eight minutes long and that’s still 6-7 minutes more than was necessary. This is a literal child who has been pushed in front of a microphone by adults who should have known better. He can barely muster up a believable on songs like “Bands in My Pants” and by 59 seconds in has nothing better to do than scream in frustration. The track rides on for another minute without any vocals. It’s not his fault that this is the best part of the song.
Under normal circumstances I’d be more than happy to tear down a bad rapper for making terrible decisions, but the fact Yuno Marr is rapping about having “Ice On My Wrist” means someone in his life failed him. I’ve got to assume that’s his parents because he talked about having a mom and a dad on “Burritos,” but whoever his legal guardians are did not do well by this young man. He’s too young to have ice on anything. He’s clearly too young to be eating burritos with hot sauce on them too if the fact he defecates on himself is any indication. The only thing that makes sense here is when he says “I like chicken and macaroni” over and over on the aptly titled “Chicken & Macaroni.”
Bro, I do too. That’s a great fucking meal. I didn’t make a song about it though, and if I did I wouldn’t let people put it on the internet and collect royalties or ad revenue from it without my consent. That’s exactly what’s going on here. Yuno Marr is clearly not of age to consent to any of this. That’s why his album cover is a cartoon instead of his real face. It’s the only thing NOT exploitative about “The Worst” and the only thing I’m thankful for about this project. The actual “worst” people here are the shameless huckster parents hoping one of these songs will go viral on TikTok. “Chicken & Macaroni” stands half a chance — not because it’s good. It’s not. It’s just one of those things people will laugh about, then make videos copying it for the views. Shame on Yuno Marr’s parents and shame on you for participating in it if you make a video helping them cash in.