RapReviews is crowd funded but we need your help!

I’m not going to mince words — the decline of community funding month over month puts RapReviews.com in an increasingly perilous position. We went from earning $120 a month last October to $106 a month currently, and if those trends continue RR won’t be able to afford webhosting let alone any other expenses. The graphic below tells the story exactly how I see it on my end.

To be honest I hate having to put out reminders like this. If I’m paying $5 for a dozen eggs I know you are too. Times are hard economically and with the change of administration after the last U.S. election they are only getting harder. Under more ideal circumstances we’d all be doing better, but that’s not the reality we live in, and that reality includes the fact that if webhosting goes up and crowdfunding goes down, I’m back to going in the hole to keep this site going. After three decades as a writer and hitting 51 years old this June, that’s not an option I’m comfortable with.

It’s times like these where I entertain the fantasy of having a “whale” contributor who would just put a few hundred dollars into the Patreon every month with no questions asked. That’s not realistic either. People who have that kind of money to spread around don’t expect something for nothing, and inevitably it would change the language of our reviews and editorial tone of our content in ways I couldn’t possibly predict. Having a large group of people who contribute a small amount is a better way of ensuring the content you rely on remains free of undue influence. Please consider supporting RapReviews.com with $5 a month. If you can find a little room to keep this project going this multi-decade archive of over 10,000 articles, interviews and reviews won’t go away.

Steve ‘Flash’ Juon