Neferiu Records
makes no bones about the fact they're underground. In fact every page of
their website has a lush green carpet of grass sitting on about an inch of
topsoil, with all of the actual content you read underneath it. To the
unitiated it's just a funky design element, but to those in the know the
subtext of the image is a visual reminder of their core values. It's both
aesthetically pleasing and a tad intimidating. It's an unsubtle reminder
that while their website is a public presentation for all, the music they
produce goes deeper than an audience weaned on pop radio rap may be
prepared for.
"The Fly" is a collaboration between renowned Canadian rapper Touch and in-house Neferiu producer The Dirty Sample. Speaking of a lack of subtlety, if you guessed there would be Jeff Goldblum samples on this album, you judged correctly. Like Seth Brundle himself you could split this matter at a molecular level, with a proton of praise for choosing a sci-fi subject that could lure in skeptics, or a neutron of negativity for being so obvious and not going a direction that befits their underground values. Since this is clearly a case of the quantum effect where the value can only be known by the one observing it at the moment it's observed, I choose to view this as "the cat is alive" and praise them for at least making the attempt to reach a broader audience.
The choice of metaphorical inspiration for Touch's transformation may be in the cinematic mainstream, but songs like "Lusus Naturae" prove that Touch is not dumbing it down lyrically. Neferiu may be reaching out halfway, but you have to be willing to reach out the other half, and embrace the lyrical proficiency Touch spits over these Dirty Samples. The song's chorus is in fact a lack thereof - only giving you time to reflect on what he spit while listening to an eerie cross between a wail and a siren. The bass and beat are boom bap with the adrenaline turned up.
"I'm a monster; lasers from my eyes destroy your power plant
There's an inside joke following this song for fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 that I won't spoil by describing it here. There are some I don't mind spoiling though, such as the artists involved mocking the convention of bookending albums by having both an "Outro" and an "Outro's Outro." That's a good description of Touch's style in itself - a mixture of the intelligent and the good-naturedly absurd. He's not what you would classify as a stuffy elite inellectual emcee. Though he clearly has a mentality beyond the average and a lexicon to go along with it, songs like "Real High" and "Name Names" keep Touch at a down to earth level listeners can relate to.
"This dude he's popular but I ain't feelin him at all man
Ostensibly 20 tracks long, the album is actually a rather quick audio hit, clocking in at under 38 minutes total. The longest song on the album is "Mr. Smoketoomuch" at 2:53, which is lengthened by the guest verses from Fatt Matt and Kaboom. Like the songs themselves on "The Fly" cameos are kept minimal, with "Your Mind" featuring Birdapres and "Stop Buggin'" featuring Apeface. Though Neferiu may be known for being unknown, a label that takes pride in making art first and a commercial success second, there's a real chance for "The Fly" to push up through that grassy field and be seen flowering for the masses. If it doesn't, they can still rest assured that their quality before quantity approach has resulted in an artistically sound album.
Music Vibes: 8 of 10 Lyric Vibes: 8 of 10 TOTAL Vibes: 8 of 10
Originally posted: August 28th, 2012