![[Look on the Blight Side]](../coverart/logic-Blight.jpg)
Louis Logic :: Look on the Blight Side
Fake Four Inc.
Author: Steve 'Flash' Juon
Louis Logic once seemed
on the cusp of conquering rap's cult market for immature and
offensive rhymes. Social commentary gives us a warm fuzzy for
the future of humanity, but Logic's intentionally over the top
songs like "Freak Show" and "The Ugly Truth" showed us a
darker and more acerbic human condition. Logic mined pain and
loneliness for laughs, letting his friends humiliate him on
wax, and humiliating himself if they weren't there to help.
Along the way he shamelessly riffed on everything from
alcoholism to racism in his own unique fashion. After the
aptly named "Misery Loves
Comedy" though he seemed to go even further underground than
he already was, surfacing for a 2009 EP and in 2010 with a compilation collaboration. Filling an album with other
artists only seemed to confirm his desire to avoid the limelight.
In 2013 though Louis Logic has
finally shaken the grip of the demons that have plagued him. "Look on the Blight Side" finds
our traveling gypsy of labels settling on the grassy knoll of
Four, ready to aim his lyrical ammunition at the world.
For those who feel he's been hidden away for too long, the
biggest complaint may be that it's not enough - he's only
dropping 10 songs in just under the span of 40 minutes. It's
enough though because Logic sheds all pretense of ego and
strips himself naked - an artistic and personal honesty that
may make his listeners uncomfortable in a wholly new way. Logic
used to use his cleverness to shock and awe, but the title track
of "Look on the Blight Side" shows a deep pain bubbling up
to the surface in what one only hopes is a therapeutic way:
"You could get out of bed - but what for?
Sittin on the couch instead scratchin your nuts raw
You're runnin out of meds for your lovelorn heart
but they won't accept your card at the drugstore
And what's more, the pills don't help
And of course they won't prescribe enough to kill oneself
You found the one store in New York whose pharmacist
is running an honest biz..."
Logic is on a personal journey this time, and takes chances
that by his own admission make "Blight Side" a non-traditional
rap record. "Big Fish Eat the Little Fish" places as much
emphasis on his singing as his rapping, and there's a folk
music feel with dark overtones of a world where life isn't fair.
It's as though Louis Logic is trying to be rap's version of
Shannon Hoon (R.I.P.) meets Bob Dylan - who dabbled in rap
a little bit himself. Logic's still got his acerbic wit, but
"The Joke's On You" has his gear shifting flow making America
take a look in the mirror. "Is anyone happier? Did you find
enrichment/with more than folks before, but you're just doing
more crying and bitchin?" Despite attempts to look away, he
stares in the mirror and cries out "I'm not okay! This is not
alright!" It's harrowing, but it's real.
"Look on the Blight Side" draws to a close with the melancholy
"Leaving Again," which may seem to be another statement of Logic's
withdrawal from the mainstream. It may be a self-fulfilling
prophecy. By his own confession Logic got sick and tired of
being great and only playing for small crowds while lesser rappers
rose to acclaim and prominence. This is not an album to change
that status quo though - this is an album to give it a full on
and potentially embarrassing hug that lingers too long. Logic
no longer wants to be the dopest rapper you never heard of -
he just wants to be the most honest. Given he's now on a label
full of like-minded misfits and eclectics, "Look on the Blight
Side" fits both him and them like a glove, and that may be
the best news of all - he doesn't have to be a loner any more.
That may just encourage him to be a little more prodigious.
Music Vibes: 7 of 10
Lyric Vibes: 7 of 10
TOTAL Vibes: 7 of 10
Originally posted: November 26th, 2013
source: www.RapReviews.com