"They don’t call him the Villain for no reason. After reemerging as MF DOOM in the late 90s DOOM came back with a vengeance against the music industry but why?... Read More...
ABC7: "MoneySign Suede, a young Los Angeles rapper, has died after he was reportedly stabbed in a shower at a northern California prison, authorities said."
"Now this the type of shit you do a drive-by to, get high to"
For a prominent Southern rap artist from the 1990's there is... Read More...
Some days I imagine the epitaph on my tombstone will read "Here lies Flash. He spent his life listening to rap albums that only four other people heard." Now t... Read More...
It's worth noting that before Lil Jon became a household name in the music world, with his trademark "WHAT?!" and "YEAHHHH!" interjections becoming widely imit... Read More...
No cap - I've been reluctant to review "QPac" before now. There are no shortage of reasons I was avoiding Quando Rondo's major label debut but here are just a ... Read More...