"DIE BOUT IT" is the first official studio album from Atlanta rapper Lil Gnar since his debut, but he's already had a handful of mixtapes and EP releases along... Read More...
It was inevitable that I'd talk about "Nervous Breakdown." I'm almost contractually obligated to after reviewing the Fu-Schnickens' debut album "F.U. Don't Tak... Read More...
"They don't know the code -- I don't know these hoes."
The wisdom of BIGBABYGUCCI y'all, as presented for your perusal on ... Read More...
"In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stock... Read More...
To this day I still feel like Das EFX never got the respect they deserved, just because people labelled them the "iggidy iggidy" rappers and wrote them off. Kr... Read More...
Subscribe to Mistah MegaManFan for new content daily! Today we are looking at the Tron Retro Station, a 10-in-1 miniature arcade cab that’s half Mega Man and h... Read More...