It feels odd to me that this is the first proper "solo album" I've reviewed from J57. He's produced so many tracks for so many people over the years that I've j... Read More...
It has been three weeks now and I still really don't know what to say. Instead of trying to say something really profound or wise about the death of Malik Izaak... Read More...
This review happened as accidentally as they come. I received a notification in e-mail that Deep (of 2 Hungry Bros. fame) has a new instrumental album called "B... Read More...
"Concise" describes something that's brief and thorough at the same time. It doesn't suffer from extra words. The same can be said for Concise Kilgore on his ne... Read More...
Snoop Dogg is definitely in the, hooooouse - the WWE house that is. The rapper born Calvin Broadus Jr. will be taking his place in the celebrity wing of the WWE... Read More...
The extra prolific Moka Only may or may not go down as the hip-hop artist with the most albums in history. I'm sure that out there somewhere somebody you've bar... Read More...