I feel it's in the interest of full disclosure to state an inherent bias toward the "Mat Mania" project going in. I appeared on the 8th episode of the podcast o... Read More...
I'm hopeful that long time readers of this site are well familiar with Pontiac, Michigan native One Be Lo both for his work as one half of Binary Star and his e... Read More...
Andrew Bigs benefits from the coincidence that his publicist promoted to me that the San Jose based rapper would be performing at SXSW this year. Now I say coin... Read More...
Okay I admit it - AJ x Nedarb got me with the "System of a Frown" title. I've quietly been a System of a Down fan for a while now, but when you've got a website... Read More...
In this two part video Random a/k/a Mega Ran and MC Lars discuss the nerdcore genre, the wild success of Deadpool, the "Adult Rappers" movie, the Czarface "Ever... Read More...
"Double fisted and twisted as those barbed wire fences
that kept you inside the institution - made you pretentious
Instead I invent at a level beyond most..." -... Read More...