LMNO and Mr. Brady first collaborated back in 2010, when the prophetic alphabetic LMNO dropped TEN albums. I've mentioned in previous write-ups that L is one o... Read More...
I couldn't help but think of Deltron 3030 when I saw the album cover and read the title. As it turns out that wasn't far off - although More Or Les and Recordf... Read More...
The soulful and spiritual Soulbrotha a/k/a SB has quietly put out some dope bite-sized doses of hip-hop over the the last eight years, and has come a long way ... Read More...
To date I have personally backed eight Kickstarter campaigns - six of which were successfully funded and two that didn't meet their goal. The only two I've actu... Read More...
Being a competitive surfer actually has something in common with rapping for a living - being a dreamer. It's practically a prerequisite in either profession. ... Read More...
The continued controversy about the "Confederate Flag" flying over historical landmarks in the South, such as the South Carolina State House building in Columbi... Read More...