99 times out of 100 I can track down a reason I have an unopened zip file with a rap album inside. Most common reason - a publicist has managed to convince me t... Read More...
Lgeez is the musical union of two formerly solo emcees into a brand new group dynamic. The featured artists are Alex Jones (f/k/a Dr. Flea) and Son of Sam, and... Read More...
You would have to make a concerted effort to turn off your television, unplug your radio, avoid all newspapers, cancel your internet service and not visit any p... Read More...
Listening to the intro of "Hood Billionaire" you'd think that Maybach Music's familia was out in the middle of the desert surrounding Albuquerque, "Breaking Bad... Read More...
As UK Month at RapReviews draws to a close, it was long overdue for yours truly to get a piece of the action. Too Many T's offered me the perfect opportunity b... Read More...
I spent more minutes trying to figure out what the cartoon drawing on Jister's website was than is strictly necessary for a review. Nevertheless I couldn't qui... Read More...