"Compatible with my girl, she gets me arousedHorny as f#%@, tongue-kissing with our mouthsAnd back to independence, of being singleI intra-mingle with people ... Read More...
In choosing the five songs that would represent the military on Veterans Day 2014 I found myself in a bit of a conundrum. Although Veterans Day is when we celeb... Read More...
At first I thought the press release I got for "The Raw Factor" was a rib on me. Nearly 20 years ago when I was working in college radio I was mailed promo cop... Read More...
With apologies to Kenny Shane we're too late to do the obvious MLB tie-in - the World Series ended just under two weeks ago. Perhaps it's not so obvious though ... Read More...
Jamie Jermaine is reputed to be the hottest new thing out of Atlanta, "combining several elements of R&B and hip-hop" on his new EP "Body Language." Hmm. S... Read More...
I had to double check when Stephen Bryden sent me "Charles Oakley at The Movies" and I didn't mince words about it. "Hey Sankofa, I thought you retired after th... Read More...