Gene the Southern Child is one of the best Dirty South rappers to cruise around with the top down to. His syrupy Alabama drawl is as soothing as the promethazi... Read More...
Princess Superstar is one of those artists that can legitimately claim to have been ahead of the curve. Long before we saw Iggy Azalea and Kreayshawn blew up t... Read More...
If I've learned one thing in my life it's that some people don't know when to keep their damn mouth shut. I offer the following unsolicited advice in completely... Read More...
The one sheet accompanying El Gant's "Beast Academy" has the usual amount of hyperbole - prolific, "paired with several of the industry's most revered lyricists... Read More...
If you know GDP from our previous reviews you know that he's a lyrical cross between Tame One and Young Zee - and if you don't you just found out. G's got his ... Read More...
My computer has already crashed once tonight, so this won't be the longest editorial in the world, but I found myself reminiscing over Jam Master Jay recently a... Read More...