A little background research before delving into "Too Hot to Bother" suggested to me Sexy Delicious is hard to define. Even interviewers had a hard time figurin... Read More...
Alterbeats are back again. The label imprint, the cover art, even the organization of the tracklisting gave this reviewer a serious case of the appropriately F... Read More...
Moonshine isn't the dirty word it used to be. In fact the popularity of the Discovery Channel show that's (allegedly) about people making illegal liquor while s... Read More...
"I like being alone home, I trim the fatFriends hatin on ends but none of them can rapI will, take your FUBU, and take my timeDuke I'm - waste removal, you a w... Read More...
Wax Society is a diverse crew of hip-hop heads with the common link being their love of the music and culture. RED hails from Arkansas, Summer and Kollateral a... Read More...
This is a deeply personal album to O.B., and it would be a disservice to him to not allow him to put it in his own words. Instead of writing an intro for him, h... Read More...