The video game "Journey" was designed to have a profound effect on the people who played it, and rap artist Random a/k/a Mega Ran seems to be one of them. It's ... Read More...
Guerrilla Alliance consists of Macabean the Rebel and Vega X, who (according to their bio) have been working in collaboration since 2003. We at RapReviews have ... Read More...
The connections were tenuous at best, but after looking at Syntax' "Dialog'a'Rhythmic" for a while I realized he was friends with New York rapper L.I.F.E. Long... Read More...
Time and Extra Kool just to name a few. If I were to offer an even-handed compliment, I'd say they remind me of my college radio days. Independent artists and ... Read More...
Athletic Mic League and Black Opera member Buff1 is now rapping under his real name of Jamall Bufford. He's linked up with the right imprint to get widespread ... Read More...
The line-up of Tanya Morgan has shrunk by 33% over the years. If your last exposure to them was "Brooklynati," then you don't know that Ilyas has departed, and ... Read More...