The RR staff recently created a spreadsheet to keep track of all available and upcoming new hip-hop albums, to make it easier for all of us to keep track of wh... Read More...
"Old school artists don't always burn
You're just another rapper who's had his turn" - KRS-One
The internet has revolutionized the way that we create, consume ... Read More...
A couple of months ago RR tackled the Gene the Southern Child & Parallel Thought debut album. Coincidentally that album "Artillery Splurgin'" comes out tod... Read More...
p-teK. p-teK? p-teK! I won't lie, I had no good start to this review. Every now and then the well of digital ink just runs dry. It certainly hasn't for this ra... Read More...
RR recently interviewed Spends Quality, the CEO of CFO Recordings, also a recording artist in his own right. Adam's chat with SQ encouraged me to delve deeper ... Read More...
Within the last week I stumbled across an article Illmatic" was a hip-hop classic, always had been and would always be one of the greatest albums ever made, an... Read More...