Kareem Ali and Ambush don't set the record for lack of information included with an album for review. I have at times received a single CD-R in a sleeve with t... Read More...
If you're not interested in a quick overview of Hindu religious figures, it would be best to skip ahead to the third paragraph. For me the subject can't be avo... Read More...
Religion appears to have dropped using exclamation points instead of I's in his name, and I'm just fine with that - it was a pain in the ass to type. It has n... Read More...
"Why haven't the hoods replied to me on MySpace?" People stillUSE MySpace? Either way this was the first line that caught my attention on Verbill's self-titled... Read More...
After a three decade span from the late 1990's through the early 2010's, Swollen Members have shown an enviable amount of longevity in the music industry. Many... Read More...
Analyrical rated the praise of "a promising debut" from Patrick Taylor on "First Date" back in 2010. Since then the Minnesotan emcee has linked up with produce... Read More...