A recent e-mail sent to myRapReviews inbox asked a short but straight to the point question: "Y NO RVW OF THE NW SLAUGHTER?" There are several reasons I hesitat... Read More...
So three years go by between "Back On My B.S." and "Year of the Dragon." I can only assume in the interim that Bussa Bus is doing well enough between singles, ... Read More...
In 2011 Pedro 'DJ Complejo' Hernandez reviewed the comical compilation "Grandpa Funnybook's Mix-Tapingly Arranged Rapping Song Album." At the time it struck me... Read More...
My review of "The Cold Corner" was as much editorial as review, and I'm willing to cop to that. I felt then as I do now that the availability of no cost albums... Read More...
To put a fine point on it right from jump, "Ravipops" is one of those hip-hop albums everybody heard about that most people never bought. It deserves all the a... Read More...
"It does get pretty boring when it comes to just the rapping and all that type of stuff. I've been doing it since I was eight and I'm about to be 30 in Septembe... Read More...