What do you get when you combine Michael Jackson with Rudy Ray Moore? "Ohnomite." I know that doesn't sound right, but you have to consider that there's more t... Read More...
It was easier for Rahim Samad to find us than the other way around, as heĀ first sent us an album for review in 2008. If you go to the VaultClassic website Jay ... Read More...
If the name Roddy Rod rings a bell, you're either a long-time fan of The Price Is Right (though that would actually be Rod Roddy) or a long-time Maspyke listene... Read More...
It's a genuine pleasure to hear from Requiem again, both figuratively and literally. Last time around on "Grassroots Anarchy" he was incredibly patient with us... Read More...
Charlie Brown: "A room of teachers, parents, and preachers
A principal and one kid dressed in sneakers
Case of Brown vs. The Board (ORDER ORDER)
Yo - well, vers...
Looking for something different from the weekly regimen of albums I review, I was happy to take on Sheena G's "The First Class," as the one-sheet that came wit... Read More...