mc chris has been a warrior for nerdy rap fans since the early 2000's - and "warrior needs food badly." That's how he caught my attention back in the day - th... Read More...
Let me introduce you to Quincy Matthew Hanley, better known as ScHoolboy Q. (The odd capitalization is in that first sentence is his preferred spelling, but a ... Read More...
If Aaron Yates wasn't constantly busy, I don't think he'd know what to do with himself. He's a relentlessly increasing ball of energy, and the only way to siph... Read More...
Let me just say straight up that Perfect Strangers is one of my favorite sitcoms of all time. I suppose it doesn't hurt that I grew up as a child of the 1980's,... Read More...
From the name you might think Iron Solomon was a member of the Wu-Tang Clan's extended fam; and in his bio Solomon does mention them as one of his artistic ins... Read More...
"Oh! You want a dollar, I don'tI want a President elected by a popular voteI want the lion in your heart to eat the frog in your throatand vomit up quotes of e... Read More...