Pick up a penny off your desk or shake one loose out of your wallet. Designate "heads" Lord Infamous being in Three 6 Mafia and "tails" him being completely sol... Read More...
"Guess what time it is? My, my, my time
You can check your iPhone, better say it's our time
I don't even need a watch, I don't even see a clock
Soon as a I walk...
Today we take a look at a brand new line of hip-hop trading cards. If you saw these at the corner bodega or local Wal*Mart, would you pick them up? Would kids s... Read More...
Tetsuya 'Ted' Fujita had an impact on pop culture he could never have predicted in a million years. He passed away over a decade ago at the age of 78, but duri... Read More...
Even though the site's name is RapReviews.com, we do dabble in related urban genres from time to time in our reviews. For reggae, the relationship is more than... Read More...
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