Before saying anything else about Admiral Crumple, one has to admire the balls AC shows by including a quote in his press release that's at best a backhanded c... Read More...
I first came across Odin Smith's beats while listening to Beatdown with TJ De Santis on the Sherdog Radio Network. Some of my friends who are MMA heads would de... Read More...
"See I've searched the corners of the Earth and this is what I've found No matter where I go I carry where I'm from So raise your hands up to the sky now for t... Read More...
Hailing from New Bedford, Massachusetts may make it slightly odd for Betrayl to describe his sound as "Queensbridge influenced," but that's exactly what his bi... Read More...
The Regiment first caught our attention in 2007 when Jesal Padania took the time to review their debut album "The Come Up." Jay Soul was impressed by the musi... Read More...
DJ Khaled has never really been the "producer" kind of DJ, and he has never been the "turntablist" kind of DJ either, so DJ Khaled's albums don't feature origi... Read More...