"I was raised in the hood called what the diff?Where the.. brothers in the hood be chivalousSo I rest defense on my ligamentsPistol grip pump on my lap, riskin... Read More...
"Yeah! Now this is what they call poetry in motion My soul BLEEDS on the paper, heart SCREAMS with emotion It's my daily devotion, that verses stay deeper than... Read More...
If there's one thing I appreciate about Earl 'E-40' Stevens as much or more than any man alive it's his HUSTLE. My background is absolutely nothing like his - ... Read More...
The date: November 23rd, 2008.
The place: Shea Riley's/The Hideout; Omaha, NE.
The event: The Ice Bears Tour.
At the outset the vibe for the night was just rig... Read More...
This is one of three discs I got free at Sunday night's Ice Bears Tour in Omaha. This one happened because I struck up a cordial conversation with the rapper h... Read More...
This is one of three discs I got free at Sunday night's Ice Bears Tour in Omaha. I normally regard homemade CD-R type joints with a certain amount of ... Read More...