"Pull up at the function and you know I'm Kojak To all my party people that are on my bozack I got more action than my man John Woo And I got mad hits like I w... Read More...
Never let it be said that the RapReviews staff can't eat a little humble pie when we're proved wrong. I first reviewed The Official Hip-Hop Trading Cards two w... Read More...
Afro DZ ak's album yet he still got a 7 out of 10 across the board. Elemental Zazen fared even better with "The Glass Should Be Full" and got 8.5. Clearly there... Read More...
It is perhaps unfortunate that even now in 2009 one can't start a Guru review without first having to mention that he and DJ Premier no longer work together. I... Read More...
Pick up a penny off your desk or shake one loose out of your wallet. Designate "heads" Lord Infamous being in Three 6 Mafia and "tails" him being completely sol... Read More...
"Guess what time it is? My, my, my time
You can check your iPhone, better say it's our time
I don't even need a watch, I don't even see a clock
Soon as a I walk...