"When I was stressed I would head to the restThen the pads on the SP-12 got pressedMakin beats for the streets, so the family could eatIn '93, Wu-Tang Clan dro... Read More...
Arrogance is implied in the artist's name. VAST, AIRE. Limitless space to breathe. No label has been able to contain the vast expanse of his repoitoire. He did... Read More...
A million and one niche labels. A million and one niche labels. A million and one niche labels in hip-hop today. The corporate music industry consistently cause... Read More...
Right off the bat I have to give Three 6 Mafia credit where it's due. In a previous review this writer experienced technical difficulties with the DualDisc for... Read More...
Stanley Kirk Burrell holds a unique place in hip-hop history as the first rapper to go diamond - selling more than ten million copies of just one albu... Read More...
Thank heavens it's not a FALSE TESTIMONY. That would have been a huge waste of time. Besides, the hip-hop courts could impeach him for perjury.
Bruce Falson a....