"Snoop Dogg nigga, how many times I got ta show ya?"
Hold on Mr. Broadus, I'd like to have "A Word Witchya." If you're going to show us a few things, perhaps y... Read More...
Rakim's "The Archive: Live, Lost & Found" arrived on store shelves this week without the fanfare and acclaim one would expect for one of hip-hop's most bel... Read More...
If you told me the members of D4L were going to release solo albums three years ago I would have simply screamed at you WHY?!!??! There are few rap albums in th... Read More...
"I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T, do you know what that means?"
Main Entry: in·de·pen·dentFunction: adjective Date: 16111: not dependent: as a (1): not subject to contro... Read More...
Suburban Noize is (at least to this writer) the Burbank, California equivalent of Psychopathic Records. I'm not sure whether or not Suburban Noize will appreci... Read More...
Having stated a commitment to covering more latino rap artists several times on this website, I must confess that I haven't done a fantastic job of living up t... Read More...