So good you don't even have to pay for it. Say what now? That's right. Thanks to the generosity of Danger Mouse, MF Doom and you can download the new Danger D... Read More...
Proud to shake that thang and pop that P, Shawnna's shameless sexuality certainly hasn't hurt her in record sales or career advancement. In fact it's fair to s... Read More...
Lupe Fiasco's resume to date could be written into a song named "How to Get Fucked by the Industry." The Chicago native has been there and done that all at a y... Read More...
The problem with most live rap albums is that they're live. Huh? You read that right the first time. Live rap albums generally SUCK. I've been to a number of gr... Read More...
First things first, mad props go out to writer Tom Doggett, who covered the original "Magnificent City" release by Aceyalone & RJD2 for this website. Homebo... Read More...
O2 has a son named Junior. Junior gets kidnapped by a gangster named Meat. O2 and his girlfriend Coco have to hustle and rob to pay the ransom so he can get hi... Read More...