From a consumer's standpoint "2 for 10" seems like a hell of a good deal. For only five to six bucks (depending on price point and local sales tax) you get fiv... Read More...
Here's a little tip for Stuart Scott after watching "SportsCenter" yesterday - the ACTUAL meaning of the word ubiquitous is "existing or being everywhere at th... Read More...
A little over three years ago today I had this to say about Floetry's debut album "Floetic": "Floetry is definitely a taste of something different. It's good en... Read More...
Sitting there reading this review you're probably thinking, "Didn't this come out last year? Flash is losing it. He already reviewed this shit. Matter of fact ... Read More...
From the late 1980's through mid-1990's the hip-hop press was the vanguard of the music and culture, expanding their outward reach while simultaneously keeping ... Read More...
As I write this review the streets in and around Paris, France are burning. They've been burning for more than a week. Seething discontent about unemployment, ... Read More...