In a career spanning three decades, the Beastie Boys have lived by a mantra of innovation and reinvention, never being afraid to try the new (and sometimes abs... Read More...
The Beastie Boys were riding high on a wave of artist success in 1992, although many people were totally unaware of it. After the initial splash of "Licensed t... Read More...
Harrisburg wants to be known as more than the capital of Pennsylvania. Make It Happen Entertainment hopes to be the cutting edge of that movement, hoping to li... Read More...
Akon is straight outta Senegal. Born and raised in this small African nation (estimated population of 10 million) until he was 7 years old, this future hip-hop... Read More...
Ahhhh, crunk. Or if you prefer, krunk. It really doesn't matter how you spell it, as long as you smell it. Unlike funk though, crunk smells more than just funk... Read More...
Chris Lowe hails from that tradition of rap artists whose own names are more than sufficient for their rapĀ nom de plumeĀ - artists like Keith Murray, Erick Serm... Read More...