"My name alone will tell you I'm lyrically advanced." Truer words were never spoken than on Mr. Complex's opening song "Bomb Threats," the first salvo in a war... Read More...
In a rap world where long term memory is fleeting and short term memory almost non-existent, the success of the Ultramagnetic M.C.'s throughout the 80's and ear... Read More...
Even if you've never heard of this baller, it would not be an understatement to say he's a legend down South. Some people have great talent, and some people kn... Read More...
To write record reviews, the person behind the pen must cultivate a sense of independence free of restrictions. Any class on journalism will tell you that bias... Read More...
This is the legend of Jimmy Bones: a hustler who was taken down in the game, but whose spirit survived on even beyond the grave. In fact, this is kind of story... Read More...
It's rare to see hip-hop dominating the new releases section for motion pictures, but these days if you check "soundtracks" at any local Sam Goody or Wherehouse... Read More...