DMX is one moody cat; err dog. You get a sense of his psyche simply from reading the titles of his past hit albums: "It's Dark and Hell is Hot", "Flesh of My F... Read More...
"Flashback my dossier file before the hospital
Lots'll pay a pile of cheddar to see me rock my style
Got lots of smiles from man woman and child
A Gravedigga he...
I confess; I did it. The RIAA would probably like to slap me silly and Bubba probably wants to kick his country rappin' boots right up my lily-white ass. The t... Read More...
R-U-L-E. A few years ago when Def Jam released his debut album "Venni Vetti Vecci" a lot of people though of him as little more than a DMX clone. Indeed though... Read More...
The fans really don't care how he spells it, just as long as he sells it. His raps singlehandedly spur sales of DJ Clue mixtapes, and his rap on the remix of L... Read More...
Turntablism seems to ebb and fade as a pop culture force. While many rock bands routinely use DJ's now on their songs and in live shows, talented hip-hop wax sp... Read More...