Since this article was first published on January 2nd, a lot of people have inquired to with questions about how this list was compiled; but more... Read More...
Everybody's got a crew, and everybody wants their crew to shine in the fickle and fleeting world of hip-hop music. Nas has an advantage over the people who jus... Read More...
Coming with the original style and sound, The Masterminds are trying to live up to their name in their craft - simply put, they aren't fucking around. It seems... Read More...
Once in a while, an album comes along that's an unexpected breath of fresh air. It doesn't matter the genre - if you love R&B it might be Jill Scott, if yo... Read More...
Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay. It's hard to believe it's been almost a decade since Dr. Dre introduced us to the lanky voiced smooth player who was quick to l... Read More...
If you didn't already know who The High & Mighty are, allow us to introduce you to the rapper Mr. Eon and the producer DJ Mighty Mi. They released a well-r... Read More...