"Produced by Hi Tek for Hi Tek Productions, Inc." Those may seem like simple words, but how often do you pick up an album these days where every single track h... Read More...
There's something a little bit different about this Brother.
Rap artists usually get tagged with labels that help a fragmented purchasing audience decide if it... Read More...
Play that funky music, white girl.
There's not too many vanilla sisters who get over in the world of urban style. Wait a minute - there aren't ANY who get over... Read More...
The West coast is always full of surprises. Thanks to the tightness of the scene and the amount of love local artists show each other, folks you figured either... Read More...
The East coast hip-hop veterans have been busting back on to the scene in record numbers within the last six months. Yes, people who you might have once scratc... Read More...
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