Kage Sparks is in the building! A name that most probably means very little to you right now, sure. But give him time. If Grip Grand supplied last year's surpri... Read More...
Here comes the next big hope for UK hip hop - a scene that seems to be dying before our very eyes, or at least morphing into different genres altogether. Nowad... Read More...
I'm going to make an embarrassing admission. It should serve a purpose in this review, but it will make me blush nonetheless. These are the lyrics to Flo Rida'... Read More...
A decade ago, Method Man and Redman were just two hot rappers that, after a few successful collaborations, decided to put out an album together, "Blackout!" â€... Read More...
Guess who's back. Back again. By now, you will be aware of the drugs, the weight gain, the marriage/divorce, the death of a best friend, the whole shebang... E... Read More...
After another long hiatus between albums - this time, three years since "The Big Bang" - Busta Rhymes is finally able to drop his latest long play, "Back On My... Read More...