Houston's very own Wine-O has a fairly interesting back story – aside from the usual got shot, got rich tale, he actually got his foot in the door of hip hop... Read More...
EDITOR'S INTRO: Mike Williams, better known as Keyboard Money Mike, is an old school hip-hop legend who you may have heard shouted out on records by BDP and Ult... Read More...
Confidence - too much of it blindsides you, too little can cripple. Cutting to the chase, there really isn't much chance of the latter creeping in here - M.I.A.... Read More...
Lyrics are dying. It is a true, undisputed fact in hip hop – they are becoming less important by the hour, overtaken by: the Beat, Chorus and Flow (as well a... Read More...
When I was at school, we learned the value of first impressions and presentation. Of course, we rebelled – why did we have to conform to regulations so that ... Read More...
Let's throw the traditional review manual out of the window, just for today. Here are the negative aspects of this album: maybe one too many skits. That is pre... Read More...