If you were beyond single digit age in 1991 it's quite likely that you remember PM Dawn's hit "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss". The song was about as lightweight a... Read More...
"Let him speak, he's so misunderstoodLet him speak, the new voice of the hoodNever had the hype, always had the heartKeep it simple and sharp, then I land on ... Read More...
Unless you're relatively new to hip hop or your tastes in the genre don't run very deep you'd be pretty familiar with the Hieroglyphics collective by now. At t... Read More...
If it wasn't for hip hop I possibly would never have heard of New York's Queens, it certainly wouldn't have been so familiar to me. The same can be said for th... Read More...
"Throwback hip hop", "that 90's sound", "golden era vibe" etc. are all phrases thrown around far too often by hip hop reviewers and fans, and I'm very guilty o... Read More...
Not to take anything away from the MC's, but I'm going to go against the norm here and talk about the producer of this release before anything else...
We all h...