It's fall of 1984. I'm riding the school bus home from another day in the fourth grade. Two older boys pull out a smallish ghetto baster and start playing some... Read More...
Homeboy Sandman is a rapper from Queens, NYC. He has released two well-received solo albums, 2008's "Actual Factual Pterodactyl" and 2010's "The Good Sun." Thi... Read More...
In the wake of Barack Obama's election, Hua Hsu wrote an article that appeared in the Atlantic titled "The End of White America?" He wrote about the changing d... Read More...
DC rapper yU (government name Michael Willingham Jr) first made his mark in 2009 as part of the Diamond District with Oddissee and XO. He released his first so... Read More...
I downloaded "Exmilitary" when it came out in mid-2011. I unzipped it, loaded it into my iTunes, listened to it for thirty seconds, and immediately deleted it ... Read More...
Eclipse is a rapper from Niagara Falls, Canada, land of casinos, strip clubs, imaginary girlfriends and depressing honeymoons. The name of the album references... Read More...