Ish done changed. Nine years ago, when Tyler, the Creator released his debut mixtape "Bastard," very few critics challenged the violently homophobic and misogyn... Read More...
One way to prove your underground hip-hop bona fides is to have Chuck D do the intro to your album firing shots at mumble rappers and trap rappers. That's how U... Read More...
It says something about the trajectory of Bristol producer/rapper's Tricky's career that while 1996's "Pre-Millennium Tension" is one of my favorite albums, "un... Read More...
One of the most powerful things about hip-hop is the way that it gives a microphone to people from groups that aren't often listened to in our society, and part... Read More...
I sometimes wonder what 80s and early 90s hip-hop sounds to teenagers today. Does it sound retro and somehow purer than the music of today, the way sixties and ... Read More...
The record industry may be in a free fall, but there is so much good music coming out that it is ridiculous. My theory is that the ease of recording and distrib... Read More...