Firstly, 38 Spesh isn't spitting on this project, which is a disappointment I've now come to terms with. It took a few weeks, but after some tearful evenings a... Read More...
Another year, another dope Doppelgangaz drop. It continues to perplex me why The Doppelgangaz isn’t a bigger deal, considering their brand of dense, darkly com... Read More...
Sometimes, partnerships are meant to be. The delightfully uncool names of German producer Figub Brazlevic and American emcee John Robinson combine for somethin... Read More...
Detroit's Ty Farris has been making a name for himself over the past decade, regularly appearing on Apollo Brown projects that place an emphasis on lyricism ov... Read More...
There was a fascinating article on The Nation recently that demonstrated just how sorry a state the music industry is in. It's worth a read, but ultimately con... Read More...
As reliant on data as music streaming platforms are these days, I'm always partial to discrepancies and quirks that result in humorous moments for fans, and po... Read More...