"This ain't no gangsta rap, how many motherfuckin' gangsters rap?" Sean Price – "P Body"
Quoting a Sean Price lyric is always a fun way to start a review, an... Read More...
It's hard to talk about hip hop from the past five years without bringing up Detroit. Most commonly associated with J Dilla and Eminem, the city of Motown has ... Read More...
Conceived as an exclusive for theRegular RR readers are already well aware of what he's capable of on the boards, but WIB feels there's no such thing as too mu... Read More...
There has been a comic book sub-genre of hip hop since the 90's with MF Doom and the Wu-Tang Clan sampling all sorts of obscure animation and martial arts film... Read More...
Back in 2005, the combination of Black Moon's Buckshot and Little Brother's 9th Wonder seemed like a strange coming together of two different sounds. My ears w... Read More...
You can judge most rap albums by the name of the artist and the title they have given their record. Triple Darkness implies three dark souls, in this case Nashe... Read More...