Full disclosure -- I'm friends with Emperor Big D and most of the knowledge I have of Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z comes from him. In fact I'm so overwhelmed b... Read More...
ZelooperZ was mentioned briefly in our review of Bruiser Wolf's "My Story Got Stories." Like Wolf he's part of Detroit's Bruiser Brigade family, which also has... Read More...
It's not a good look for a rapper when the most famous thing you've done is get beat up on somebody else's talk show. Let me introduce you to Lil Kelpy.
Lungskull has 110,000 listeners a month on Spotify. Since they aren't a wrestling promotion I'm going to assume they won't make up an attendance number as part... Read More...
What, the, FUCK.
Back in March I reviewed an album by a would be rapper named Lil Flexer that was so terrible the review i... Read More...
Polearm has at least three names -- the one he uses on "Therapy," the similar Lil Polearm (as if there aren't enough "Lil" rappers) and Halberd. The Apple Musi... Read More...