Back in 1999, I was finishing high school, starting undergrad, adjusting to being away from home, developing social skills (the jury's still out on that), bump... Read More...
I recently read Chris Matthews' 2001 bookNow, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think, a book offering the "Hardball" host's opinions on everything political from ... Read More...
"It's like a jungle, sometimes it makes me wonder / how I keep from going under" is one of the essential lyrics that have accompanied rap for much of its exist... Read More...
"On the stage, any time
I'm cold chillin, I'm wearin the rhymes
to keep warm, with the beat that's playin
You hear me now, you know what I'm sayin
to you, you a...
Now... I'm 39, right? And I still love rap music. I love rap music, man. You know. I love it.You know, I'm 39, I'm that age, man. I've been loving rap music for... Read More...
"The Dead Has Arisen" by a Lil 1/2 Dead, you say? With a cover depicting some sort of Two-Face/Skeletor hybrid, better yet? Before you write this off as a trip... Read More...