In 1992, a relatively unknown MC pairing of strange, break-dancing, martial arts practitioners burst out on the Canadian hip-hop scene with authority. The sing... Read More...
Two weeks earlier, O.J. Simpson had walked away a free man from his murder trial. An invitation to join a million black men meeting in Washington, D.C. had bee... Read More...
When it comes to representing hip-hop, it is hard to attain a higher profile than John 'Sway' Calloway. Undoubtedly his most important vehicle to represent hip... Read More...
"There is a threat to the world today. A threat to our way of living. A threat to our society and maybe even a threat to our very existence. What is this threat... Read More...
Did you know the commies made a short comeback in '94? Not the ones you're thinking about. The Berlin wall fell in '89, after all. These commies wanted black f... Read More...
"See, through my education illustrations were the keySee, where I'm from only busters have to pay a fee"
(Eightball, "Break-a-Bitch College")
If there's one th...