Just like classic, the term pioneer gets thrown around so often in hip-hop that it has lost much of its original meaning. As time passes, more and more acts es... Read More...
AZ's lack of wide-spread success remains inexplicable. He practically has dollar signs seared into his baby-face forehead. AZ deserves the swooning fans and fl... Read More...
Of all the success stories in an eventful 2004, perhaps none had as much of a profoundly polarizing effect as that of Mike Skinner's project The Streets. Revere... Read More...
Those of you who actually bothered to digest my superlative-laden review of Ice's "Bad Blood" a number of weeks ago would already be conscious of my unparallele... Read More...
If you've been reading RapReviews.com for more than a minute, you should already be familiar with the name Messy Marv from reviews like Matt Jost's "Bonnie &am... Read More...
Since she spat fire on that long lost and tough as hell to find Junior Mafia album, the world waited patiently for the Queen to drop her 1996 solo effort. When... Read More...