If you've been reading RapReviews.com for more than a minute, you should already be familiar with the name Messy Marv from reviews like Matt Jost's "Bonnie &am... Read More...
Since she spat fire on that long lost and tough as hell to find Junior Mafia album, the world waited patiently for the Queen to drop her 1996 solo effort. When... Read More...
If you browse online you're sure to find plenty of lists detailing "essential hip-hop," "pre-requisite listening," "classic rap," and various other labels creat... Read More...
If ten years ago someone would have told me that Baby Bash would score a top ten hit in my neck of the woods in 2004, my reaction would have most likely been: ... Read More...
After Jeru's stunning debut in 1994, he was primed for a big letdown. For many people, his sophomore effort, "Wrath of the Math," was lost in the shadow of "Th... Read More...
In my continuing efforts to expose Rap Reviews readers to the bizarre, obscure gems of my worryingly large record collection, I have now taken it upon myself t... Read More...