During my pre-teen days before I discovered the magical wonders of alcohol, a fun-loving, lyrically-skilled trio from the left coast had me enthralled with the... Read More...
Heat. Fire. Hotness. Supreme spittins birthed by a half-breed. "Here To Save You All" is as compelling as it is hilarious. From the dark drums of the intro, whe... Read More...
When Jedi Mind Tricks burst onto the scene in 1997, most heads didn't even blink. Though the Philly-based group put in work on their debut, they remained in rel... Read More...
If you're a regular visitor to RapReviews, you're familiar with our 'Back to the Lab' feature, where we allow ourselves a break from the industry's tight relea... Read More...
In the wake of major label promotion and radio-targeted intentions, hip-hop's grimier offerings tend to collect dust on record shelves while more accessible re... Read More...
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