Let's explore the mystery of being wack. Many people mistake something they don't like for being wack. When in fact 'wackness' is a quality attained by clearly ... Read More...
Most of the times I go 'Back to the Lab' I'm adding reviews of classic albums I discovered either early in the 90's in high school or later on when I was in col... Read More...
Hard as it is to believe now, there was a day and time in rap's history when there was no H to the Izzo, no Jay-Hova, no Jigga Man, and even a time when there w... Read More...
Tall tales of the South often include unbelievable tales of a miner swinging his pickaxe at a rock and missing - striking earth and unleashing a huge gusher of ... Read More...
Legendary? It goes with saying. Controversial? From the day he first appeared as a soloist, it swirled around him like a hurricane. Actor? Yes. Activist? He wa... Read More...
Although they already had one album notched on their belt by 1995 (the mostly forgettable "Juvenile Hell") this is the album where it all really started. For a ... Read More...