They're originators. Hell, these days they're even music icons. They're the Beastie Boys. And whether people want to acknowledge it or not, their debut album i... Read More...
Slick Rick's place in hip hop legend was already secure before this album was ever released. The Great Adventures of Slick Rick remains to this day one of the ... Read More...
Let's explore the mystery of being wack. Many people mistake something they don't like for being wack. When in fact 'wackness' is a quality attained by clearly ... Read More...
Most of the times I go 'Back to the Lab' I'm adding reviews of classic albums I discovered either early in the 90's in high school or later on when I was in col... Read More...
Hard as it is to believe now, there was a day and time in rap's history when there was no H to the Izzo, no Jay-Hova, no Jigga Man, and even a time when there w... Read More...
Tall tales of the South often include unbelievable tales of a miner swinging his pickaxe at a rock and missing - striking earth and unleashing a huge gusher of ... Read More...