Two things happened when Company Flow and Rawkus Records imploded under the weight of their respective successes -- El-P formed his own label, and Bigg Jus did... Read More...
"Broken Language" is one of those 1990's rap singles that I enjoyed without realizing it would reach cult status. The chemistry between Smoothe Da Hustler and ... Read More...
Writing about "Operation: Get Down" is an emotional roller coaster. It's not just because Craig Mack passed away just over four years ago at only 46 years old ... Read More...
It's a bit strange that I feel such incredibly urgency to cover A.G.'s "The Dirty Version" right now after having not done it in the last 20+ years, but oddly ... Read More...
Just to get this out of the way at the beginning, Blak Czer is pronounced "Black Caesar." Having never listened to "Tales From Da Blak Side" before this review... Read More...
I'd love for someone to prove that I'm not the only one who cares about Redhead Kingpin and the F.B.I., but in the twelve years since I reviewed his first albu... Read More...